Leave a message, a note, or a drawing for your loved ones on their lockscreen.
Use the app to create a wallpaper you want your loved ones to see on their lockscreens. Create the wallpaper by adding images from your own gallery and draw over them with the built-in painting tools. Create a group with you and your significant other or with your group of friends. Then send the wallpaper you have made to your group and it will be on their lockscreens in a minute!
Coming soon will be writing text over the wallpaper, adding and sending GIFs and even videos!
Privacy is important to us! Therefore, we only use the least amount of your information for identification. These are: your Google ID, your name, and your Google profile picture.
Besides that, all the lockscreens you send are encrypted and saved, so no one except your loved ones can see them.
This app has been inspired by Loklok and serves as an alternative, because the app has been abandoned by its developers.